Monday, May 14, 2012

Cuchulain & Scathach

The journey of Cuchulain and his training with Scathach.

I have now read a few versions of this myth of the hero and the great warrior woman. The one from the Order of Scathach is  the most different from the others. Maybe it is the modern translation or the authors interpretations. It seems to be the splicing together of a few of the Cuchulain myths.

I reference the following: 
  • Táin (various translations)
  • Celtic Consciousness (by O'Driscoll)
  • Celtic Myths & Legends (by Ellis)
  • Epics of Ireland (by Markale)
Most of the exploits of Cuchulain occur in his youth from his early childhood to his late teens. Then, like many heroic warriors, he is expected to find a master beyond his homelands. This is the role of all journeyman in any skill class. For this we move to the education of Cuchulain as he seeks worthy teachers. We read this journey in the Cycle of Cuchulain where he leaves for Scotland seeking training on the isle of Skye at Dun Scaith with one of the twin daughters of the Morrigan.

This is the traditional hero's tale of trials. Cuchulain is faced with various challenges to his physical strength, to his courage and will, and to his mind and wisdom. He faces plains, bogs, monsters, and even has to puzzle out a riddle of a magical bridge. All these things he overcomes to earn the right to train with Scathach.

Like all initiations, there are several stages. Training the body, the mind and the spirit. He must temper himself in all ways, like forging a fine blade, before he can move onto the next lessons. He even tries sometimes to skip ahead only to learn the hard way that he must step back and learn in sequence. We must all learn to walk before we learn to run. His education is not just about weapons and states of mind, not just about tactics, but also includes some understanding of magic and sorcery.

To be a warrior, one must know the self and know other. Knowledge is the key to wisdom.


We have a ritual for Yule in honor of Cuchulain and Scathach.

In the center of a the temple upon the low altar  is the Need Fire, Brigid's Eternal Flame. 
The handmaiden to the ritual carries it and is in charge of it.
Each person is challenged at the edge of the circle then guided in by the priest/ess.
We declare ourselves warriors seeking Dun Scaith and further training on our path.
Within the circle, we all absorb some of this flame as we stand with our chosen weapons.
Then like sentinals, we turn our backs to face the darkness of the longest night beyond the circle.
Here we all sit, weapon's pointing out.
The handmaiden covers the Need Fire but does not put it out.
In the dark, we all listen to the tale of Cuchulain's educations, facing the challenges in spirit as he faced them. In the darkness, we face ourselves carrying only the light within our hearts.
Then we all turn to face the light once more. 
The handmaiden uncovers the light so it becomes bright once again.
We light candles from it and these candles refresh the energy of our personal sacred flames in our homes later.

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