Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Beginnings

I swore a three-fold promise to the divine, long before I took any other vows:

Be True to Your Word
Be True to Your Path
Be True to Yourself

A few years later, I swore my first vows:

With Honor and with Love
Shall I Serve My Community

I have moved through various private and group, eclectic and traditional forms of Wiccan and Druidic training to reach where I am now. The most challenging and most rewarding of those experiences has been my training with Silver Ravenwolf's Sacred Order of the Black Forest (BFC: Black Forest Clan). It has also been my hardest for the reasons I find myself leaving it. I reached a point on that path where I either had to break the first promises and vows I made to the divine or break those I swore to BFC. After many months of struggling with this decision, I have chosen to break away from them. I pray my oathbreaking will be taken with mercy. I mean no harm to anyone and know that breaking away is better for us all. May they grow and prosper with honor and with love as i do, though now on separate paths. So mote it be.

My group now prepares as a new group: Katana Moon.

We are Irish Celtic Wicca & Witchcraft blended heavily with East Asian beliefs and practices.
We are Warriors in our own ways when the need should arise.
And we have started a new path of study in the Order of Scathach.

Sophia, Goddess of the Moon, ever-changing and flowing, guide me now as you have always guided me. Cernunnos, Stag Lord, Horned God, balancer of man and nature, help me find new balance on this path that I walk. Morrigan, warrior goddess, give me all the strength I need to serve you and this community.

I am true to my word: I will always speak my mind truly and defend my reasoning and listen to the reasoning of others.
I am true to my path: and should I stray from it or lose my way, I will always see the moon above and find my way again.
I am true to myself: for if I am not, how can I ever be served by and also to serve and be true to others?

New beginnings ... Are not about taking new paths... be they well-worn or roads less traveled... They can simply be renewing the original path... our own soul's personal path. Tread light. Tread free.

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