Monday, September 24, 2012

Lesson 1: Diety Project

Choose a pantheon that speaks to you and aspects of divinity that relate to your needs.

I relate to three groups of deities. The first is a gnostic monist concept where I am strongly drawn to the Moon, Wisdom, Light... often named Sophia. I am also strongly drawn to any deity within the feline family or connected in some way to cats: Bast & Sekhmet, Freya, Toltec Jaguar God, Great Cougar, Jungle Panther, and literally any others from any culture. I work often with Bast & Sekhmet, as well as Cougar and Panther, and the Asian Tiger and Snowy Leopard. I am also drawn and work with Wolf, Raven, and Stag. I suppose this sounds very much like I am animistic or totemic.

As pantheons go, I have stayed with my Celtic roots and adhere to Celtic (mostly Irish) deities. Herne, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Brighid, Lugh, Morrigan, Scathach. I have a strong relationship with these aspects.

Identify an area in your life for which you feel you'd like divine assistance. Without referring to existing texts or lists, invent a deity to deal with that situation and give that deity a name.

First of all, with 20 years of religion and cultural studies under my academic belt, not referring to something in existence is REALLY hard.

An area of my life that I feel I need divine assistance.......
Peaceful and Proper Rest. Financial Clarity and Success. Business Management with Grace. Creative Writing. "It's ok to be Good Enough". Commitment to Body Health (weight control, better eating, exercise).

There are lots of areas I could address. Since this is 6, let me take out a D6 for this exercise and roll the die to see what the Spirit feels I should focus on. Oops, could not find my gaming dice. So I asked the husband (Mark) to pick a number from 1-6 without knowing the why. The number was 5.

"It's ok to be Good Enough."
Deity of Self-Acceptance, Understanding, Encouragement, and Comfort.
NAME: Glacadh (Irish Gaelic for the word 'acceptance')

I could have chosen any word to translate into Irish Gaelic, but I felt this was best for the quote because it implies acceptance of both self and other. Perfection is both impossible and unnecessary. "It's ok to be good enough" can also refer to self and other.

Hmmm... I think I have a new affirmation to work on.

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