Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lesson 1: Reading 2: Full Contact Magick Ch. 1

This is a philosophical concept that has cropped up a few times in the readings, most explicitly in Wiccan Warrior and less explicitly in Full Contact Magick. According to the dictionary, these are the following definitions:
  • the attempt to explain anything in terms of one principle only
  •  (in metaphysics) any of various theories holding that there is only one basic substance or principle as the ground of reality, or that reality consists of a single element.
  • the conception that there is one causal factor in history; the notion of a single element as primary determinant of behavior, social action, or institutional relations.
  • the reduction of all processes, structures, concepts, etc., to a single governing principle; the theoretical explanation of everything in terms of one principle
Cuhulain describes this in the view of deity as all gods are one god and all goddesses are one goddess and these two are but a duality of a single whole. People worship aspects of this whole in their dualistic worship or in the worship of trinities. And yet, he firmly deviates from the term worship when he defines it as paying reverence to something outside oneself. On this aspect, I would have to disagree with him that worship is the simple act of honoring someone or something whether immanent or transcendent. It is the act of honoring and connecting with the divine.

Another strong concept raised in this chapter is the balanced duality of all things, including the divine. Male / female. Light / dark. It relates back to the ever flowing balance of Yin & Yang. We are reminded that with every spiritual entity comes a light and a dark side. We must never forget that.

The final concept raised that I will speak on is the first one mentioned in this chapter.

"Spirit First, Technique Second." This is the fifth rule of 20 precepts.

1. Karate-do begins with courtesy and ends with rei.
2. There is no first strike in karate.
3. Karate is an aid to justice.
4. First know yourself before attempting to know others.
5. Spirit first, technique second.
6. Always be ready to release your mind.
7. Accidents arise from negligence.
8. Do not think that karate training is only in the dojo.
9. It will take your entire life to learn karate, there is no limit.
10. Put your everyday living into karate and you will find "Myo" (subtle secrets).
11. Karate is like boiling water, if you do not heat it constantly, it will cool.
12. Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose.
13. Victory depends on your ability to distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable ones.
14. The out come of the battle depends on how you handle weakness and strength.
15. Think of your opponents hands and feet as swords.
16. When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you.
17. Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced.
18. Practicing a kata exactly is one thing, engaging in a real fight is another.
19. Do not forget to correctly apply: strength and weakness of power, stretching and contraction of
the body, and slowness and speed of techniques.
20. Always think and devise ways to live the precepts of karate-do every day.
Ginchin Funikoshi also stated this:

Hitotsu. Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Hitotsu. Makoto no michi wo mamoru koto
Hitotsu. Doryoku no Seishin wo yashinau koto
Hitotsu. Reigi wo omonzuru koto
Hitotsu. Kekki no yu wo imashimuru koto

First. Seek perfection of character
First. Protect the way of the truth
First. Foster the spirit of effort
First. Respect the principles of etiquette and respect others
First. Guard against impetuous courage and refrain from violent behavior.


Being a warrior is first in spirit. Warriors of technique alone are just fighters and lack the moral grounding that make them great warriors. That is a personal opinion.

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